with Ayurvedic Weight Loss Expert Neha

Hi, I’m Neha
Before I became an Ayurvedic Weight Loss Expert, I was an average woman struggling to feel good in my body.
On paper, I had the dream life — I grew up in a privileged family in Mumbai, went to a great college (University of Chicago), and my work and lifestyle allowed me to travel the world (And I've been to over 60 countries!). But inside, all I really wanted to do was hide.
At my heaviest I weighed 90 Kilograms (that’s 200 pounds for you Americans). I was so uncomfortable, I found myself skipping nights out with my friends, avoiding dating altogether, being really anxious and approval seeking and second guessing everything I put into my mouth.
I’d put off the biggest and smallest aspects of my life like buying clothes I loved saying “once I lose the weight”, or allowing myself to date “once I lose weight”.

Because we all know — it’s never just about the excess weight. It’s about how that weight makes you feel … and how it holds you back from living your best life.
I tried everything to lose weight. I counted calories, did excess cardio, even several stints at weight loss centers that were DESIGNED to help me — only to find myself in that all-too-familiar yo-yo cycle of losing and gaining. And each time I “failed” to achieve my goals, I’d step on the scale with major disappointment and my confidence and self-esteem took a major hit.
It took me years to realize that my “lack of self control” wasn’t the problem. I could very easily achieve my goal and keep the weight off. The weight loss methods I was choosing were!
So, I decided to tune out the noise, turn back to my Indian heritage, and lean into the healing of yoga and Ayurveda. I started tuning into the foods that would work for my body type, and realized that I could lose weight without starving myself or counting calories! I learned to work WITH my body and not against it, and this understanding was responsible for helping me achieve the results I did.
After losing 81 pounds of weight, I’m proudly at 119 lbs today. I’m grateful to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself: physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically.
It's my passion to use everything I learned to help you lose the weight (and the insecurities that come with it), and I've been called one of India's leading health and fitness experts by GQ magazine for my work.
Today I help Queens like you lose weight,
become deliciously magnetic with a clean, fit, toned body and
live the life you’ve been putting on hold...until now.

Here are my three not-so-secret ingredients to
help you lose weight:
I believe losing weight is about so much more than the diet plan and exercise routine. It’s about who you need to become to continue to maintain your new body and Queen vibe.
Successfully losing and keeping off the weight works when you find inner stability - you don’t rely on fad diets, starvation, calorie counting or running on the treadmill until your legs fall asleep.
Instead, I teach a 3-part weight loss system that’s backed by ancient wisdom AND modern practices. The results?
Women lose anywhere between 10 upto 100 (and more!) pounds inside my containers - and they keep it off.
Here are the 3 parts of my framework that make my system work.
To lose weight, you need to feed your unique body. What works for you won’t work for someone else, and here’s where Ayurveda comes in. This is the foundational strategy. You learn what to eat and how much to move so that your body gets primed into losing weight on autopilot.
Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old science that teaches you how to customise and find a unique food plan that works for YOUR individual body type. It’s based on your doshas. Once you know your dosha, and where your unique imbalances lie, you'll be able to use food as medicine to correct them and achieve balance from the inside. You'll shed pounds quickly and meet your weight loss journey from a place of harmony without starving yourself or feeling deprived in the process.
It’s not your fault that you haven’t been able to lose weight before now. Excess weight usually stems from deep, unresolved emotional issues that have been a part of your life since childhood, or that you may have picked up during years of binging and restricting or finding comfort within food.
I work with you to get to the root of the issue, move through it, and then smooth that spot over with a heaping dose of self love and fresh behaviors and habits that serve you so that you nip it in the bud and never gain back the weight long after you are done losing it.
Weight loss isn’t only about your body. It’s also about the state of your mindset and energy. Are you in a scarcity, restrictive vibe around food, and does that drive you to ultimately binge eat?
Do you always seem to reach out for the chocolate with no control as to when you stop?
Are you constantly stressed about the number on the scale? Measuring not only your weight but also your self worth?
When you work energetically to re-calibrate to the right state of being FOR YOU, weight loss happens with so much ease. You stop second guessing every bite you put into your mouth. You wake with an inner confidence knowing exactly what you’re doing, the results it’s going to get you, and you see yourself shrink more and more each day as you come closer and closer to looking and feeling the best you ever have.
And best of all, it feels AMAZING.

The Ayurvedic Body Transformation
Want to start losing weight naturally today, and shift your energy for a lean, healthy body without starving or counting calories?

Weight loss does NOT have to be a difficult, starving process that drains you out and makes you “give up” living temporarily. It can be a fun journey where you are satisfied with the right foods as you reconnect with yourself and re-define who you are and how you show up to life.
When your diet and lifestyle strategy, emotional state and energetics are aligned and buzzing, weight loss transformation happens naturally and rapidly. You feel lit up from the inside, and that energy propels you forward towards your goals. You’ll feel vibrant, radiant and brimming with life force.
Queen transformations

Want a Free Sample of The Ayurvedic Method?
Ayurvedic Secrets to Lose Weight Fast
Are you seriously done starving, feeling restricted, working out for 2 hours or giving up foods you love in the quest to lose weight?
Learn the keys that unlock the permanent solution.
Sign up to watch my FREE masterclass ‘Ayurvedic Secrets to Lose Weight Fast’ (It’s both calorie and cost free!)