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around the world go from feeling overweight, out of control with their eating habits, inconsistent, sluggish, feeling low energy and unhappy in their bodies to losing all the excess weight (my clients have lost 100+ pounds!), resetting their hormones, cleansing themselves from the inside out while claiming the life of their dreams in a new body they head-over-heels adore.

The confidence you gain when you love and approve of your

body is unparalleled to any other joy in the world.

I'm obsessed with helping women find it, claim it,

and become unstoppable Queens with it.



Watch Dolly’s Video


Dolly lost 40 pounds in 4 months and reduced the frequency of seeing her counsellor.

“Neha Premjee changed my life. And I will never be the same. Ever heard the saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”? Well, Neha is a living example of it. I worked with Neha for 4 months and lost nearly 40 pounds. The biggest result I received, wasn’t surprisingly the weight loss.

It was the proper understanding of HOW MY BODY WORKS! I came to Neha 4 months ago scared, broke, clueless, doubtful, desperate to see results, but most importantly, apprehensive and worried. Worried this would be “just another diet plan”, worried that the gyms would close due to the lockdown, worried that I would have no groceries at home in order to eat healthy. In fact, two days before our start date, I nearly backed out. I thought to myself, if gyms are closed and groceries are going to be a hassle how the hell am I going to lose the weight? THE BIGGEST LESSON that I have learned with Neha is “Progress- NOT Perfection!”

Right off the bat I could tell- this woman is INVESTED. She truly treats your success as hers. It’s personal to her.

I have always been an extreme kind of a personality. I either need to eat super clean, get an hour long workout in, eat no sugar, get 8 hours of sleep, drink 2 liters of water. If I missed any part of this formula, I would fling on the other side of the extreme spectrum, where I would eat brownies, purposely not get any movement in, screw up my sleep pattern- the works.

You’ve all had the toxic lover named “Self-Sabotage” haven’t you? Well, Neha helps you divorce that little rascal. Neha helped me realize and confront the self- sabotage inside of me.

What I love about Neha is that she tackles all parts of your well-being. She understands and advocates that physical, mental, and spiritual health ALL go hand in hand. If you are having a particularly off week or you give in to cravings, or whatever the case might be, she will make it her first priority to dig in deep to figure out the root of the cause and try to nurture all parts of your health. She will make you see and get in touch with the HEALTHIEST version of you.

Before I met Neha, I never would’ve thought of myself as a fit or healthy person. Today, at the end of my program, I truly believe that I am a fit person. I am a healthy person. My favorite part of the program has to be her insanely knowledgeable video calls. I swear every time I hang up, I say THIS was my favorite call so far! I have said this before and I will say it again, Neha is not just a “health coach” she truly is a life coach. In fact, through her program, I have reduced the frequency of seeing a counselor.

I realized as I was shedding the weight, I was also shedding the anxieties away. Neha has taught me ALL the tools I need to know, in order to drive my fitness journey as far as I want to take it. I remember in our introduction call I said to Neha, I have had so many trainers and dieticians and I am afraid of getting another one. And her response to me was that she was sorry to hear that I had to go through multiple coaches in the first place. Ideally you should only require a health coach once in your life. Because you’re supposed to learn how to approach your fitness. That is exactly what she did.

She taught me how to implement healthy, SUSTAINABLE eating habits, without cutting carbs, or having to count calories. She helped me understand my body through the help of Ayurveda. Neha’s patient, understanding, knowledgeable nature will help you get to your fitness goals. Neha once said the best investment you will make is towards yourself, and I now live by those words! Thank you, Neha.”





I lost 37 pounds. Neha’s program has changed my whole life. I finally feel in control. And I owe all of my progress to Neha.

"She has changed the way I think about food, not just in terms of the amount but also the types of food that align with my body type. For the first time in a really long time I stopped using calorie counting apps like MyFitnesspal. Being obese as a child and struggling with my weight, I never thought it was possible to live life without counting calories. Now, I'm seeing major changes in my body just by following her program, which she has designed specifically for my body type.

Neha has also helped me recognize a lot of detrimental behavioural patterns, some of which were deep in my subconscious. I realized these patterns were directly tied to how I was internalizing and processing life events. In retrospect it may seem easy to see how our emotions can affect our eating, but really understanding what that means and how it affects you, that's a lot of detailed work.

Neha will dig deep to ask the right questions and get to the right solutions. Most importantly, Neha has helped me understand and accept the new me. I had, and sometimes still have, body distortion. Sometimes I don't recognize who I see in the mirror because my body has changed so much since starting her program. I am finally starting to make peace with my past, and with Neha's help, I have started to see who I truly am. Who I have always been. I just had been hiding her under layers and layers of emotional eating, excess weight, & a self-sabotaging inner dialogue. I finally feel in control. And I owe all of my progress to Neha.

Watch Tanya’s Video




Ruchi lost 40 pounds in 4 months, and continued her weight loss journey losing over 50 pounds following the Ayurvedic method.

Ruchi’s triglycerides fell from 293 to 96 within 6 months of working together, and she avoided medications her doctor was going to put her on.

"I was very curious about Ayurveda and had started learning about it. I didn't have a proper idea about how to implement it in my daily life. I had recently gone to the doctor and was told that I would be put on medications that would have been given to 60+ year olds due to high triglycerides if I did not drop 40 pounds quickly. I didn't have time to experiment and I really needed guidance. That's when I found Neha while surfing through Instagram.
I had expected to lose weight. I had expected to look great. I didn't expect it to feel easy, natural, and sustainable. I didn't expect it to feel fabulous. I am so happy Neha helped me lose 40 pounds, and the gift of confidence and joy that she has given me is priceless!"




Watch Devika’s Video

Devika lost 25 pounds in 3 months.



Shriya Shah

Shriya lost 65 pounds within 6 months and healed painful patterns in life and in her eating that had kept her trapped yo-yo dieting for years.




I’ve built a strong foundation because of Neha and I strongly recommend anyone who is looking for a change, big or small, reach out to her.

"I came to Neha when I was feeling particularly low in self-esteem, mostly due to my consistent weight gain over the year.

Because of my weight gain, I isolated myself a lot from my friends and even from the hobbies I loved most. I didn’t like the way I looked, and because of that I didn’t want others to see me at my “low”. I had gained almost 15 pounds over the year, it may not seem like a lot but for someone who spent her entire life being “skinny” no matter what this took a huge toll on me. The constant remarks from family and even the small sly ones from friends started to take a toll on me and I knew I had to do something.

Right off the bat Neha made me feel so comfortable and explained the process to me. She took her time to figure out the perfect game plan for me, my body type and my lifestyle. Having someone keep you accountable in the process is so key and she was the perfect companion. She never makes you feel bad even if you are pushing down on yourself. She approaches every situation in a reassuring manner and that genuinely helped keep me off the edge of self-sabotage. 2 months later, I am down 10 pounds and have a “max” weight that I have not surpassed in the past month even if I have my cheat days. I’ve built a strong foundation because of Neha and I strongly recommend anyone who is looking for a change, big or small, reach out to her. Even if you are a sceptic, she will make you a believer."



Angie is a breast cancer survivor. Chemotherapy, medication, mastectomy, reconstruction, multiple operations, 5 years of hormone therapy led to her gaining 14 kilograms, losing her gall bladder & tonsils, frozen shoulder, inflammation, blurry vision, poor sleep, joint pain, low energy & more that left her feeling frustrated & hopeless.

Following Neha's Ayurvedic method changed Angie's life. Not only did she lost all the excess weight (over 10 kilograms), she got off her medication entirely! Today, she is light, has way more energy, glowing skin and has no acid reflux. In her words "I feel the best I have in years." Watch the video to learn about her inspiring, life changing journey working with Neha.


Watch Angie’s Video


Sana lost 15 pounds in a little over a month learning about Ayurveda and applying a diet optimised to her dosha (unique body type).

Want to learn more about the system she followed?

Grab The Ayurvedic Body Transformation e-course here


Watch Sana’s Video




I lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks and was amazed at how I felt so healthy from the inside out. I’m a wife, a mother of 2, and Neha taught me how to find balance and prioritize my health.

"For me, Neha’s program wasn’t about weight loss. Yes, I wanted to shed some weight, but what I really wanted was to learn how to make a lifestyle change. I wanted to learn about my body, I wanted to learn what foods and exercise would nourish and fuel my body in a healthy, sustainable manner. I lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks and was amazed at how I felt so healthy from the inside out. Neha taught me how to be mindful of my food intake. I was staying active, but not abusing my body with extreme workouts that would exhaust my body. I’m a wife, a mother of 2, and Neha taught me how to find balance and prioritize my health. Her program is holistic. I learned so much about myself, my body and what makes me feel healthy and beautiful. This program is a way to kick start a lifestyle change. It takes dedication and effort, but with Neha’s guidance and motivation, I felt like a whole new person within 6 weeks.

Thank you for EVERYTHING!! For encouraging me, for motivating me and for teaching me so much about myself and my body. You’re truly the best."




I am thankful to Neha for introducing a whole new lifestyle to me with the help of Ayurveda. The reason why her program has been the best choice for me as opposed to any other diets is that I wasn’t restricted to eating only certain types of food

"I cannot thank Neha enough for the guidance and love she has provided me over the three months while working with her.

She is truly so dedicated to her clients and will go above and beyond to help you reach your goal.

More than helping me lose weight, I am thankful to her for introducing a whole new lifestyle to me with the help of Ayurveda. The reason why her program has been the best choice for me as opposed to any other diets is that I wasn’t restricted to eating only certain types of food, I was able to enjoy everything I loved in moderation. I am definitely feeling happier and more confident than I have in a long time and I am grateful to have crossed paths."




"I have worked with MANY people in my time, trainers, nutritionists, dieticians - all which felt like a large waste of money honestly. My experience working with Neha was truly life changing. I have never operated at this high level of a mental state and it's truly trickled down in every aspect of my life."

"My experience working with Neha was truly life changing. When I reflect on it now I think about how it was the perfect balance of telling it like it is along with that style of compassion. I have worked with MANY people in my time, trainers, nutritionists, dieticians - all which felt like a large waste of money honestly.

I think what was most profound with her style of work was the heavy emphasis and focus on the emotional root of certain behaviors/habits. When you embark on a personal health journey many fail to realize that it's WAY more than just the day to day or the habits or the activities you physically participate in.

The process of uncovering these emotional roots was truly the most life-changing aspect of the program. I have never operated at this high level of a mental state and it's truly trickled down in every aspect of my life - I've made some of the most profound and impactful life changes, both personal and professional, during our tenure working together and it's set me up for a very strong foundation of success.

It's insane to me that we were able to grow and evolve even through what was an incredibly difficult surgery, the growth did not stop! I would change not a single thing about the program, the consistent support was truly fantastic."




Neha has changed my life.

"Neha has changed my life. From the way of eating to believing in myself. I finally have control of my body. Understanding food at a different level that helps me in all ways. I have a complete different understanding with my food. Now I can still enjoy my social life without harming my body, by choosing what’s good for me. Thank you Neha!!"




I couldn’t be happier with my decision to work with Neha

"Neha has been very supportive throughout my weight loss journey. She was always just a text away, even when she was traveling for her sister’s wedding. She was patient and lend an ear whenever I needed it. She helped me really tune in and listen to my body. With her guidance and support, I was able to understand and reprogram my body. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but because of her program I started enjoying eating vegetables.

The best part of working with her was that she never stopped me from eating the things I enjoyed. I was able to go out, have a drink or two, enjoy a dessert and still managed to lose weight. Neha also helped me set realistic expectations and get out of all or nothing mindset. She really worked with me on the challenges that I was facing in my personal life. She was the anchor I needed on this journey! Even though my coaching program is over, the habits that I developed while working with Neha are going to be with me forever. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to work with Neha. Thanks for everything!"



The best way to get started is through my signature e-course, the Ayurvedic Weight Body Transformation that not only gives you all the foundational Ayurvedic principles to lose weight but also dives deep into the mindset, emotional and energetic state to activate yourself into to lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Want a Free Sample of The Ayurvedic Method?

3 Ayurvedic Practices for Effortless Weight Loss

Are you seriously over trying to starve, 2 hour long workouts or giving up foods you love?

Well, struggle no more as I teach you the secrets that will take away the anxiety the next time you step on the weighing scale and make you smile ear to ear instead.

Get in on my 3 Ayurvedic Secrets to Lose WEIGHT MASTERCLASS! (IT'S BOTH CALORIE AND COST FREE).